Thursday, December 28, 2006

Israel Post #2

Hey everyone,

Sarah and I made it safely into Israel last night. We stayed the night at a hotel in Tel Aviv and will be leaving to stay with our friends in Ariel this morning to celebrate Shebat (the sabbath) as well as the new year with them. Ariel is a Jewish settlement in the West Bank of Israel that is not usually on the list of tourist locations. We have to take a bulletproof bus into the city, but once inside it's very safe. Infact, driving there is fairly safe as well it's just better to be safe than sorry.
The weather is a little colder here than usual around 50 degrees. Up in Ariel however, it will be colder because they are up in the mountains at about 4000 ft in elevation. Our tour guide said that they just had a huge rain storm 3 days ago and there was snow covering all of Jerusalem. Hopefully that's all over with now. :)
On Sunday we will be traveling South to the Dead Sea, and take camel rides through the desert of Ein Gedi. Then, we will finally arrive in my favorite place...Jerusalem! There is so much to say about this city I will save it for another post.

God has been doing amazing things in Israel and in His people. Romans chapters 9-11 are wonderful scriptures to understand what God's heart for the Jewish people STILL IS, and what our perspective on Israel should be as Christian gentile believers. Sarah and I have a heart for the Jewish people and are honored to be here in Israel again.

I'm not sure when I will be able to write again, but until next blessed.

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