Thursday, January 25, 2007

Graduation is just around the corner!!!

Life for me seems to be consumed by school right now, but I'm excited because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. For those of you who are not aware, I am in my senior year at SDSU, graduating THIS MAY with a Bachelor's of Science in Business-Real Estate. It's been a long road to get to this point, and it's a major victory in my life personally. It's been 7 long years to obtain a 4-year degree. You may laugh now, but I have a plan to avoid the jeers of Pastor Dan and everyone else. I think once I graduate, I'll just tell people that I have a 7 year degree...period. Then maybe they'll assume I'm a doctor or something like that. :)
7 years isn't that long when you take things into perspective though. I've paid my own way through school by working part-time, and I will be graduating with absolutely no debt! In fact, Sarah and I both will be graduating and getting married in July with no debt. The biggest lesson that God has taught me through this is that He wants me to finish strong. To not quit when school got hard or when I had plently of opportunities to take a better job. God wants all of us to finish strong in our lifes, our relationships, and our committments. The reward is worth it!


Dan Slagle said...

Dave... I think it is awesome that you are graduating. Even if it did take you 7 years.

You're still a young guy with a world of opportunity in front of you!

Anonymous said...

With your beautiful fiancee and a diploma and being DEBT FREE, You have the WHOLE world in front of you David. Leave some hints on your next blog on how to be DEBT FREE, man the world needs that advice!!!