Friday, October 19, 2007

Garment of praise for my heaviness

In the past couple of weeks I have learned how important it is to me to stay connected to the "Vine". A life-giving abiding relationship with the Lord. This month has been the hardest two weeks of my entire life, and my worship unto the Lord has largely been responsible for sustaining me. I have been able to live out what I preach every week on stage. That God is worthy to be praised no matter the circumstance. That he is honored in our brokenness when we come to him with a contrite heart. People have often asked me how I can lead worship when I'm going through such a difficult time, and my reply is always the same. What better thing is there for me to do?! There is no better response that we can give to God than one of adoration especially during the low points of our lives. That's when we offer our sweetest praise.

Isaiah 61 talks about how God's anointing is upon us to... "give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified."

I choose each day to put on a "garment of praise" in all of the heaviness of life and in doing so God plants my roots deep into the soil of his Truth where I can never be destroyed. I pray that you can take this lesson to heart and remember that in your lowest points in life the most appropriate thing for you to do is worship the King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Pastor David,

By the way... First of all, last weekend you guys absolutely ministered to me. You guys rocked. Probably the best in a long time.

What you speak here is so true and touching. God is HERE for all of us. It's sad that sometimes when we attend church sometimes we are in such a hurry we pass by the "broken" people. I pray that people will take the advice of pastor's and just pray. I'll will continue to pray for you and your beautiful wife.